{"id":11031,"date":"2019-11-13T12:55:48","date_gmt":"2019-11-13T20:55:48","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.myvegasadvisor.com\/?p=11031"},"modified":"2020-05-27T21:48:17","modified_gmt":"2020-05-28T04:48:17","slug":"20-dollar-trick-free-las-vegas-room-upgrades","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.myvegasadvisor.com\/blog\/popular-posts\/20-dollar-trick-free-las-vegas-room-upgrades\/","title":{"rendered":"The $20 Trick – How to get Free Room Upgrades in Las Vegas"},"content":{"rendered":"

What is the $20 Trick?<\/h2>\n

The $20 Trick is a method used to get a complimentary room upgrade during your Las Vegas Hotel stay.\u00a0 Essentially, you “sandwich” a $20 bill when presenting your ID, and ask for a complimentary upgrade.\u00a0 Success and failure depends on the the actual front desk agent, the hotel and its occupation rate, and how long you’re staying for!<\/p>\n

Confessions from a Las Vegas Addict<\/h2>\n

This post is about my experience of using the \u201c$20 trick\u201d. Its just my experience, not meant to be instructions, nor meant to mean other methods do not work, nor does it mean my experience will be the same for you. Each hotel check in is unique, each clerk, each casino, each day, you never know.<\/p>\n

I only do this trick to get a suite, I do not consider regular rooms to be an upgrade no matter the condition, floor or view. I am a normal-guy level gambler. Not a high roller. My reservations are all comped at the front end. Reservations are made at the lowest room available, one king non smoking, one guest.<\/p>\n

Over the last 10 years I have tried many different styles of the 20 dollar trick. The only method that worked consistently for me was the \u201csandwich\u201d which I will detail the way I do it below. The method that worked a few times but have a very low success rate is the \u201chave the money visible\u201d and ask method. The method that NEVER worked for me, was the \u201csimply ask nicely\u201d method, which I am always told that they had nothing available, but the clerk did at least go through the motions of looking at the screen and clicking away at the keyboard. I don\u2019t recall when, but I did try the no money and birthday thing one time, that got me nothing.<\/p>\n

About 10-20% of the time, the clerk did not understand what the $20 was for, I assume they are new to the job and did not know about the trick. Sometimes I would explain the trick to the new clerk and also reference the couple of websites that cater to this activity, Sometimes I would chat it up with the clerk if it is not busy, and we would talk about the trick.
\nAnyway, so over time, I stopped doing the methods that worked least, and boiled it all down to the one method that I use when I want to try the trick. Sometimes I just don\u2019t care and get the low room assigned to me and save the $20.<\/p>\n

How I do the $20 Trick<\/h2>\n
